It’s a promise.

“Those who perform chesed with my
gravesite visitors will merit yeshuos.”


Lag Baomer

Soup Kitchen

Tehilim Minyan

Pidyon Rashash

Gimel Beshalach

24-hour kvittel hotline

Support those who toil for Reb Shimon.
See real salvation.

Partner with Segulas Rashbi. For numerous years, Segulas Rashbi has been dedicated to nourish and satiate thousands of Meron visitors annually. Uphold the lofty mission of providing for the guest and bring upon yourself and your family bountiful blessings.

Segulas Rashbi encapsulates everything “Meron”.

From food and drinks, packaged refreshments and monthly Rosh Chodesh meals, to sending minyanim to Rashbi’s kever upon your request - Segulas Rashbi works tirelessly throughout the year to ensure all needs are met. With your generous contribution, you take part too.


Even if you are unable to physically participate in Meron festivities, be there in spirit. Increase the simcha on Lag B’eomer and all year round in Meron, thereby increasing the simcha and joy in your personal life.

Whether in dire need of financial relief, in search for your bashert, wishing to cradle a precious child or simply hoping for a brighter tomorrow, contribute to Segulas Rashbi and help us continue our noble deeds. You will undoubtedly witness salvation.

כדאי הוא ר' שמעון לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק